Dear recruiter, you have no clue how this open-source thing works, do you? 🙈

"I found your stuff on GitHub [...] please send over some samples of the software you developed"


@fribbledom The first time I got a message from a recruiter I had to send back a message that pretty much boiled down to, "dude, I'm only 12, someone's going to notice that at the interview."

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@neal @fribbledom That's when you fake it with an alternate identity. Then you can get your $70k income at 12 years old, making mom and dad proud.

@MyriadTribulations @fribbledom Sadly, remote work and flex hours wasn't really a thing back then and the commute to the next city over would have been rough. Not to mention school during working hours. Wouldn't surprise me if the kids these days are getting away with that, though (and good for them).

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