I feel like I cannot make a "real" cappuccino from aeropress or other drip coffee. Am I wrong?

@neal @tomasino @gnomon on a tangent, should I "just grab" Encore grinder or look for some options? I don't have espresso machine. Might get one in a year or two. But right now I mostly brew drips and aeropress and rarely mokapot.


@codingquark @tomasino @gnomon I'm not current on grinders these days to competently give advice on specific models. I will say that drip brews can be made pretty tolerant of iffy grinds (I often use my worst grinder for those at home because it's fast).

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@neal I currently use a cheap hand grinder (still has ceramic burrs) and it works alright TBH. Needs various mechanical adjustments once in a while. Takes about 30min to ground about 20g of beans. @tomasino @gnomon

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