TIL Leonard Nimoy wrote a book titled "Spock vs Q"

... and it's narrated by Nimoy and de Lancie
... and it has a sequel (titled "Star Trek: Spock vs Q, the Sequel")
... in which Spock and Q ... change bodies???

audible.com/pd/Star-Trek-Spock audible.com/pd/Star-Trek-Spock

normally I don't go in for audiobooks but this has got me very curious

the more I look at this Spock vs Q cover the more weird it gets.

they're sitting facing away from each other on ... a moon, or something. but they're exposed to the surface with no helmets or anything.

Q's belly is much larger than was on the show.

Q is lit from the comet on the left, but Spock is lit from the above. even so there's a weird shadow on Spock's right leg that doesn't mesh with either light source.

Spock has something ticked into some kind of ... pouch? in his shirt?

a banner along the bottom says "Recorded live!"

at least seven distinct fonts are in use.


@technomancy Why would a Q need to wear a helmet except as a theatrical flourish?

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@neal I guess he uses his godlike powers to surround Spock with breathable atmosphere but his rationale for messing with the lighting will remain ... truly ineffable

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