This is not something that I would have purchased for myself as it has far more features than a cupping scale needs (it has a bunch of modes geared toward timing and weighing espresso and manual pour over), but I also didn't have to pay for it since it was a sponsor gift connected to some teaching work.
@neal From your description... Acaia Lunar?
@gnomon Brewista Smart Scale II, though I have a couple of pre-Lunar Acaia scales from the kickstarter.
@gnomon I'm still annoyed that Acaia couldn't be troubled to hook up data pins on the USB port and put a lame obfuscation layer on the Bluetooth communications instead of just using an openly and correctly documented communications protocol (I have their protocol docs, they're wrong).
@neal I am annoyed too, those were such short-sighted decisions. But I didn't know the published BT spec docs were wrong! That's worse than not having them at all!
@gnomon I have source code at least (for which derivatives would be legally dubious to distribute), but yeah, they did a lot of utterly pointless work on the software side where they would have had a better product by not trying to have a moat. It's a common problem with hardware companies when they fail to realize that nobody wants them to be a software company.
My personal view on this sort of technology in coffee brewing is that it can be interesting for experiments and some kinds of training, but if you feel the need to weigh all your shots of espresso something has gone very wrong and it would be worth investigating better solutions to whatever problem is leading to that decision. (Unless your using it as a theatrical prop, which is a valid artistic choice even if it's not one I would make myself.)