Charging up what's going to be my new cupping scale. My old cupping scale sort of works except for the power button.

This is not something that I would have purchased for myself as it has far more features than a cupping scale needs (it has a bunch of modes geared toward timing and weighing espresso and manual pour over), but I also didn't have to pay for it since it was a sponsor gift connected to some teaching work.

@gnomon I'm still annoyed that Acaia couldn't be troubled to hook up data pins on the USB port and put a lame obfuscation layer on the Bluetooth communications instead of just using an openly and correctly documented communications protocol (I have their protocol docs, they're wrong).

@neal I am annoyed too, those were such short-sighted decisions. But I didn't know the published BT spec docs were wrong! That's worse than not having them at all!


@gnomon I have source code at least (for which derivatives would be legally dubious to distribute), but yeah, they did a lot of utterly pointless work on the software side where they would have had a better product by not trying to have a moat. It's a common problem with hardware companies when they fail to realize that nobody wants them to be a software company.

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