Many people still don't like the fact that Pluto is now classified as a dwaft-planet instead of a 'full' planet but it makes sense, otherwise we would have a lot more 'planets' in our solar system

Here are some objects in the Kuiper Belt, the region where Pluto is and as you see many of them are as 'large' as Pluto itself

(Image: NASA -

@stux The main problem is when people (generally not planetary scientists) insist that "dwarf" somehow means "not". Personally, I'm fine with unlimited planets (where would we be if biologists decided there were just too many species?), but what's up with lumping gas giants in with planets? Jupiter doesn't even properly revolve around the sun (too massive).

@neal haha indeed :blobcatgiggle:

It just means "somewhat smaller planet" nothing less :flan_laugh:

uhhh Objects like Jupiter are "failed stars" or Gass Giants


@stux I'll double down and assert that exo also doesn't mean not, further pushing the planet count into the realm of more than we'll ever know about.

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