I recently go my Kenya delivered and I was wondering what you guys would suggest on a roast level. I did one sample and stop just after 400 degrees at 11 minutes. But at sampling it tastes a little underdeveloped. Does Kenya like a little on the medium to dark roast?


@NorthRiver I always try a range of roasts on new coffees. My most recent Kenyan does seem to do best darker than last year's. I'm going a bit past 2nd crack just to bring up a little more intensity of flavor compared to what I was getting on light roasts with this one. That said, not all Kenyan coffees are the same. If the only issue is a bit of underdevelopment you can bring the end temp up a couple more degrees or stretch development time out a little more.

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@neal I was trying to do a lighter roast on this, have used it before on a different sample of Kenya that I had. I’m always impressed when I see a someone doing a lighter roast and it’s light brown color. I am trying to replicate it but so far, no luck.

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