I've mostly been ignoring YouTube stats lately but just happened to catch this oddity that seems to be happening now. The video is from 2012 so I don't know what the new interest there is. For comparison, that usually gets about 60 views per day.


Now that I have traffic source stats it looks like that massive spike in YT traffic came from Perfect Daily Grind, but I'm still a little confused because I didn't see anything new there. The day ended at 2,241 minutes watched (compared with an average of 598 for the month not counting that) and views were up about 400 over normal. Stats are still elevated, but I wish they were hitting my PeerTube instance instead. I'd like to see how it handles what is relatively high load for my stuff.

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YPP purge mention, YT stats 

Looking at the stats, it looks like that's the highest my channel has ever gotten for single day watch time when I wasn't actively trying to drive traffic there (the record is 4,136 in the run up to YPP purge)

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