Okay, this is odd. Apparently if I plug a PS4 controller into my laptop to charge while I'm playing a game the touch area is picked up both by the PS4 and as a mouse on the laptop.

@neal so how difficult is it to navigate your computer via PS4 controller then?

@Satsuma No typing, the mouse movement is pretty fast, and it's hard to hold things steady for precision clicking, but two fingered swipes work quite well for scrolling.

@neal huh. Do any of the buttons do anything? Or is it just the touch area?


@Satsuma The buttons don't seem to be mapped to anything unless I'm playing a game with game pad support.

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@neal its always disappointing when life doesn’t work like a text adventure game, you definitely should’ve unlocked some hidden compartment just now :)

@Satsuma Maybe the trick is finding two games I can play simultaneously on the two machines getting inputs.

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