Sent an inquiry about getting one of these for the purpose of improving Typica integration in the next release.

Typica currently has an import feature that satisfies what people have asked me for, but it's one of those features that feels kind of pointless. If I had one of the machines I think I'd be able to do a more robust and more meaningful integration and now feels like a good time to work on that.


I didn't specifically ask for one but I'm hoping that they have a free software dev or famous roasting instructor discount available because I'm pretty much guaranteeing that the project continues to not turn a profit (it never does and I don't intend it to) by buying one this year.

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On the off chance that anybody here is both a Typica and an IKAWA user and wants to help me pay for this so that I can improve the integration there, my project accepts financial contributions and in a given year those contributions have never exceeded my out of pocket spend on the project.

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