Good dental checkup today. I helped a kid figure out how to play the Asteroids machine. There aren't any instructions on the machine but it's very similar to the first generation Computer Space machines (a button for clockwise rotation, a button for anticlockwise rotation, a button to shoot, a button to thrust, and (not present on Computer Space) a button to warp to a random location. The cabinet also has a rotary dial and a trackball that serve only to confuse players.


I own a Computer Space cabinet, but it's the later 2 player version where the buttons were replaced with a joystick and I think there's a good reason that arcade games ended up going in that direction.

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Yes, my house has collected lots of strange things in it. Video games that are older than I am, industrial process control hardware, full scale model catgirl, assorted commercial coffee equipment in various states of disrepair, green screen, miscellaneous lab equipment...

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