typica.us is showing $9 donated in support of ongoing development so far this month. That isn't true, it's just that the form there is the easiest way for some people to send money to me. In actual Typica news, I'm hoping to get a new minor release out late this month or early next to add some additional hardware support. That'll make it easier for people to use 4-20mA instruments and I'm also expanding options for reading voltage signals.

While I'm adding current input support for something entirely different (which I still can't talk about because I don't want to wreck another company's product launch), that's probably the easiest way for a lot of roasters to add fuel logging by replacing the manometer with something that operates a current loop. The way I'm logging this on one of my machines now without that is with a dual pot driving both an electric valve on one circuit and a 0-10V logging device on a separate circuit.

That works fine if your control panel was designed with that use case in mind and if you have good gas service to your facility, but a lot of coffee roasters operate with neither of those being quite true, so getting a real measurement off the gauge would be an improvement for them and should be an easier feature to retrofit for most.


Anyway, that update won't be released until after I've finished with the book launch and I'll need to assess if there are other bug fixes or new features that I want to make sure get into that as long as I'm doing the work to put out a new release. I was kind of hoping that I could have retired the 1.x code base by now.

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