Current channels are now almost working in Typica. There are a few things where the behavior isn't quite exactly what I want, but it's basically usable.


Setting the table view to show all measurements and the hardware to collect data at its fastest rate is fine. The data scrolls by too fast to use, but it's only 50 measurements per second and if that's problematic on even an old CPU clocked at over a few hundred MHz that would be a sign that something is seriously wrong. I wouldn't mind a little less RAM usage, though, not that this is a recommended configuration.

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Typica supports hardware that can run faster than that, but the AD converter on that particular piece of faster hardware is awful and mis-matched on other hardware so I'm using the extra samples to calculate a linear regression (since the value being measured is expected to be changing) and eventually throwing away the raw measurements used to compute that just to get something that's surprisingly usable out of the 3-4 significant bits per measurement.

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