The fact that Doc from back to the future pronounces it "Jiggawatts" suggests he's only ever read it, and that he's entirely self-taught

@professor_stoke Actually, Doc's pronounciation is also correct (but it wasn't correct in 1955!). From Wikipedia:

In English, the prefix giga can be pronounced /ˈɡɪɡə/ (a hard g as in giggle), or /ˈdʒɪɡə/ (a soft g as in giant, which shares giga's Greek root).[4]

This latter pronunciation was formalised within the United States in the 1960s and 1980s with the issue by the US National Bureau of Standards of pronunciation guides for the metric prefixes.[5]


@fuxoft @professor_stoke The real question is, how would Doc pronounce GIF?

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