With the release of my book coming up soon, I decided that it was about time to rework the site and make that more attractive. Didn't finish that work and haven't uploaded the changes, but the work so far makes me feel like I'd be more likely to buy the book had I not written it. When I first put that up I intentionally went with something low effort because I wanted to spend the time writing the book instead of marketing it.

Mostly finished the design update over the holiday weekend. I want a better author bio photo (for the design I just grabbed something convenient), some tweaks to the preview pages section, and I want to make sure it's not awful on phone browsers or if someone is idiotic enough to run their web browser full screen on something ridiculously wide.

Maybe I'll wear a mask for the author bio photo on the web site. I can always change that later.

Should I wear a mask for the author bio pic on the Roasted Coffee Product Development ebook marketing page?


The results are in. Nobody cares.

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