Downloading materials for my next teaching gig. This is a bit of an odd one in that technically I'm teaching a program someone else put together, except that it was put together based in very large part on work that I did a few years ago. I've been told it's fine if I want to add some additional stuff on dark roasting since people think I'm good at that, so I'll be looking over that material, seeing if there's anything I want to update or change up, and talk that over in a week or two.


To make it especially obvious that there's a lot of my work in here, one of the slides I've received has a photo of a hand written roasting log that I wrote close to two decades ago. This is something that's always kind of interesting to see because different labs make their own slide decks, but I'm pretty sure the vast majority of them have pulled something from materials I developed. It's just a question of which things.

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