The access to and ability to store the books is frankly astounding. Tiny little 10inch display that I can carry almost all the time practically has all the books, and supplementary materials! Nuts.

I haven't yet figured out how to replicate having many books open at the same time with this digital approach. Acquiring 5 tablets sounds wrong.

@codingquark This was exactly the approach they used in Star Trek.

@neal I mean, having n+1 displays is never bad? 😅 (for any positive integer n, for those math nerds around)


@codingquark Interface matters. At a certain point it takes so long to move the mouse from one end of the virtual display space to the other that completely separate systems with their own inputs and outputs works a lot better. It looks like SimulaVR might have a good solution to that with giving each window its own pointer, but I suspect the quality of that will depend a lot on how fast focus lock/unlock can be performed.

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@neal I really wish VR stuff works out on these lines at least. On interface, many times I don't want keyboard/mouse around because I don't need them and if something touches it by mistake universe crumbles.

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