have you heard of this new programming language called ruby?

have you heard of this new programming language called "javascript"? It's like Java, but scriptable

have you heard of this new programming language called "forth"? big upgrade over the third one

have you heard of this new programming language called "E"? they decided that "D" must have been a cursed name for a programming language since nobody picked it after "C" (actually this one is a true story)

Have you heard of this new programming language called "lisp"? it's really fresh and new, that's why only a few people know it

have you heard of this new programming language called erlang? it's a programming language for women, comes in pairs for the hetros, hislang and 'erlang

have you heard of this new programming language called 8086 assembly? I don't think this one is going to have much of an impact

have you heard of this new programming language called TECO? it's good for writing editors in because it's very readable

have you heard of this new programming language called bash? great, intuitive syntax for writing for loops where you separate the items by newlines

have you heard of this new programming language called latex? they called it that because of binding books


@cwebber Fun fact: the product labels for my coffee, tea, and chai concentrate are all made with XeLaTeX.

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