I hate that in largely my lifetime humanity has transformed the Earth from a really nice place to live into inhospitable flaming garbage

"What was life like when you were growing up grandma"

"Well, we could breathe, and we didn't live on a giant garbage heap floating in the middle of the ocean, and there were even rainforests"

"REAL rainforests?"

"Real ones"

"did you ever visit the rainforests grandma?"

"FUCK no are you kidding me I'm scared of all the things in rainforests. but I liked knowing they were there"


@cwebber The rainforests are, for the most part, not that dangerous. You aren't in the food chain, though that fear was exploited by the prison system on Coiba. If you got sent to that island you'd be put in a different camp depending on which gang you belonged to so people didn't try to escape much first because they were afraid of nature and second because they didn't want to accidentally end up in a rival gang's camp. (they were working on getting rid of the prison camps when I was there)

@neal @cwebber I do my regular mountain biking in a rainforest. 🙂

They're mostly hot, humid, and things grow so quickly that you often have to climb over fallen trees or have to cut down vines that are in the way of your riding.

@loke @neal sorry this one was meant to be making fun of myself for liking nature but not liking being in nature

@loke @neal @cwebber
Is it true that going through a rainforrest outside of a man-made path can get very exhausting very quickly because either you end up dragging a ton of vines with you, or you try to cut them down and get tired of swinging the machete?

@wolf480pl @neal @cwebber yes. That's precisely what it is. The thin branches covered in thorns are particularly annoying when trying to clear the path that's become overgrown (happens very quickly).

I'll see if I can take some photos on my next ride. Should be this weekend.

@wolf480pl @neal @cwebber Ok, I did shoot a short video. For some reason it ended up super desaturated. It's actually supposed to be mostly green.


@wolf480pl @loke @cwebber I was mostly working out of field stations on stuff that didn't require much machete work (at one place I had a military escort who took care of that). Probably the most exhausting from my experience would have been just dealing with the elevation change hiking up out of Cana Field Station, but yeah, it's a harder hike than comparable elevation changes on coffee farms.

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