1. corporations are in some absurd legal sense defined as people in the US

2. unless there is a very specific reason the other side of the coin cannot be true, people can be corporations

3. trans people are people (if you disagree on this get fucked)

4. trans people can choose to become corporations and thus any decision they make to change their name or identity is an action taken by a corporation purely in the pursuit of profit and is protected by the U.S. Constitution of the America.

I am horrified that this doesn't feel that far down the list of good strategies to fight violence against trans people in the US.

Part of me really wants to pay a lawyer to write up a legal version of this argument in very official language... but also that would probably cost a bazillion dollars anyways.


@Alonealastalovedalongthe #2 is true and quite common. It can be pretty cheap and easy for an individual to incorporate and do business as whatever (even multiple) identity they choose. Maybe call it a lifestyle brand. There are, however, still some rights reserved to humans where that won't help. Also your taxes get harder to do. (Not a lawyer, not legal advice, do own a couple businesses.)

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