@neal Good evening Neal! Hope all is well. I was wondering if you could help me understand how to access an IKAWA profile I’ve uploaded into Typica. Where do I go to find it once I uploaded it?
If you remember back to our previous convo. I was having trouble loading any profiles at all and I was sent a new batch details window that helped solve this issue...is it possible that the ‘simplified’ batch viewer is prohibiting me from accessing this feature within Typica?

@agudbrandson If the data isn't loading on that screen or if it's still not available from the batch log, if you could send a current CSV (email or use the public file drop I linked earlier) I can look into it more locally and fix things if there's now a bug.

@neal I just uploaded one of the last roasts I did on the IKAWA to NextCloud for you to look at. Hope that helps! Thanks again for the help :)

@agudbrandson Sure enough, the format's been changed. There are a lot fewer columns there than there used to be.

@agudbrandson Tried to send you an updated IKAWA import filter but your mail server doesn't like javascript files as mail attachments. Here's the file:


If you click Raw you'll get a plain text file that you can save into your local config/ImportFilters to make this work with your files.


@neal thanks Neal! I will give this a shot later on today. I appreciate the help once again. :)

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