@neal Hi Neal, this is Adam Gudbrandson (friend of John) I've been talking to you about fixing an issue with Typica. As I've mentioned previously, when I try to load a sample profile in Typica, the program crashes and I'm not able to use a reference profile...I was wondering if you had thought of a reason why that may be?
You mentioned it may be an issue with the Database. Is there an alternative database I could use instead?


@agudbrandson Not the database software, the data in the database. Something is going wrong there. I think what might be the fastest way to get this fixed would be if you could create a backup of your database with pg_dump and I'll be able to look at that and see if I can replicate the problem locally, figure out what's happening there, and see if it's repairable. If so, I'd fix the data, export it so you could reload that, and then delete my copy once you've succeeded.

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