@neal Hi Neal, this is Adam Gudbrandson (friend of John) I've been talking to you about fixing an issue with Typica. As I've mentioned previously, when I try to load a sample profile in Typica, the program crashes and I'm not able to use a reference profile...I was wondering if you had thought of a reason why that may be?
You mentioned it may be an issue with the Database. Is there an alternative database I could use instead?

@agudbrandson Do you know how to use pg_dump? If so, and if you find that plan agreeable, you can upload the data at atelier.wilsonscoffee.com/s/e9

If not, let me know and I'll walk you through it.

@neal Hello again, I do not know how to use pg_dump unfortunately. But the good news is that I am in a position to try and figure it out now!

@agudbrandson Okay, so on a Mac the installer usually doesn't put the pg* programs in $PATH, but under /Library/PostgreSQL/<version number>/bin where <version number> is replaced with the version of PostgreSQL you're using. If you open Terminal, you can:

cd /Library/PostgreSQL

to see which version is there.


to get back into your home directory and then /Library/PostgreSQL/x.y/bin/pg_dump -h localhost -U username -f backup.db db_name

Replacement instructions in the following reply.

@agudbrandson Replace x.y with the PostgreSQL version number, replace username with the database user Typica uses to connect to the database. Replace db_name with the name of the database that Typica connects to.

If you did that all right it'll ask for the password for that database user and then create a file called backup.db in your home directory.

@neal Okay...it doesn't seem to be working correctly. I'm supposed to write /Library/PostgreSQL/11/bin/pg_dump-h localhost-Username-f backup.db db_name
in Terminal correct?

@agudbrandson You're missing some spaces there and need to do some more replacements with your own settings, but yeah, that's the general gist of things. What's the error it's throwing back?

@neal okay so I just tried again and it asked me for a password. I typed the password in but did not see any text appear on the screen as I typed...When I hit enter after typing it in nothing happened....how do I make the folder you were talking about?

@agudbrandson Right, you shouldn't see anything until it finishes and the prompt returns (may take a while if the database is large). Once that's done, the file should exist in your home directory. You can ls to see it or see it in the Finder.

@neal and then I just drop that folder into the Nextcloud?

@neal if that's the case then it worked! and I uploaded it to that folder you sent through Nextcloud


@agudbrandson Got it. I'll take a look at that after the shop closes and see if I can figure anything out from that.

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