@neal Good evening Neal! Hope all is well. I was wondering if you could help me understand how to access an IKAWA profile I’ve uploaded into Typica. Where do I go to find it once I uploaded it?
If you remember back to our previous convo. I was having trouble loading any profiles at all and I was sent a new batch details window that helped solve this issue...is it possible that the ‘simplified’ batch viewer is prohibiting me from accessing this feature within Typica?


@agudbrandson That change wouldn't have affected this, but the import code is old enough that it's possible that the app changed the CSV it's exporting to become incompatible or that the data wasn't properly saved in the first place.

If you go to Manual Log Entry, enter the details of the green coffee and roasting details, then switch to the Roast Data tab, File->Import->IKAWA, select the file. You should see the data loaded on the screen. Submit. Should be available through the batch log.

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