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These library chairs aren't normally back to back like this, but the cat seems to approve now that the sofa isn't at the window. In other news, I went to a different grocery store from usual and found half sized bags of cat food. I think she'd like if I switched to that.

In preparation for furniture moving I had to take the microscope out of the living room.

Replaying Phantom Brave (in which everybody else in the green haired girl's party is dead). Time to check the bottle mail.

This is the closest monitoring station to where I'm going on Thursday. Should I pack a mask?

I've mostly been ignoring YouTube stats lately but just happened to catch this oddity that seems to be happening now. The video is from 2012 so I don't know what the new interest there is. For comparison, that usually gets about 60 views per day.

I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong about this but I feel like maybe the play button should be a little more obvious on a program for playing music.

computer, glitch image 

My desktop icons seem to have glitched.

Timespinner beta plays on the new computer. Time to fight catboss again.

Now that I can change these I'll need to come up with more channel avatars.

Presentation template for retreat this year is very yellow.

I'm going to take it as a good sign that this text is readable even on the little upload preview here. I was a little bit worried about that. I'll have a segment where I poke around a bit in the database behind my PeerTube instance and I'm tempted to do a separate video that explores what's in the database and walks through some of the stuff that's currently easier to find out with SQL than through the web interface, but I think I'll wait until after beta 10 for that.

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