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This just arrived in my inbox and, umm... I didn't have an Indiegogo crowd funding campaign? There aren't any super-obvious signs of a scam going on, so I think maybe this just got pushed to the wrong mailing list? If someone used my email address to set up an Indiegogo campaign I'd think I'd've gotten an email about that and rather than an award I guess I'd rather have the money. I'm sure I can find a project to push that to.

Last night's cat pics. I tried to get one of her hugging a table leg but she noticed that I was about to take a picture and composed herself for that.

The traditional Christmas animals: reindeer, hedgehog, sloth.

New thing arrived today. It sort of works with my laptop but I only have 1 kind of crummy synth installed for testing that doesn't really allow for everything this is capable of. It'll work better hooked up to stuff I've got at home.

This is still the most Klingon design on a coffee bag I've ever seen.

This is what I've been using to draft the coffee roasting book I've been working on. It's a hard cover Moleskine book that came in a swag bag from some event. Between the hard cover and the strap, I can fit it in my pocket without worrying about it getting destroyed and I can write notes as I think of them no matter where I am. The contents get moved to a computer, organized, and fleshed out when I have larger time blocks and I'm in the right state of mind for working on that.

I wonder what this said before it was run through Google Translate.

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