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The server that's running on is probably a little too under-powered. It's managed to eat all the swap, <100M free RAM, lots of ENOMEM going on.

My first test use is letting instructors decide which coffee roasting machine they want to use for my next classes. Hopefully they find that this works for them, but if it doesn't I'm prepared to take email replies and fill things in myself. Probably there will be some people who just flag me down at the event and sort it out last minute.

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Setting up Collabora was not easy and I'm still not completely sure what eventually got that working, but collaborative editing of LibreOffice documents appears to be working now.

Thinking I might add Collabora Online to that. I have rare use for something like Google Sheets and this looks like it might be a better alternative for me.

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Did a coffee roasting demo/mini lecture for one of the more recent hires. Followed it up with a tasting to demonstrate why we don't evaluate flavor until the coffee has had several hours of rest.


Talked with the political door knocker today, assured her that I ALWAYS vote, talked about a couple state and national candidates she asked about, etc.

@healyn Schedule a 4th duel, stay in the middle, then duck.

Picked up a big battery so I don't have to worry about losing GPS on the road trip. The cat wants me to carry her around the house.

Set up a couple new email addresses for the shop. One receives all new incoming orders from the web site and is the reply-to for customers who place an order that way. That can also send so if someone does reply a real human might see that and can interact. The other is a Bcc recipient on receipts for diagnostic purposes. I'm hoping to enable ordering Sunday or Monday. The work is done, I just want to give the other half of ownership a chance to ask questions first.

@taweret Nobody uses twitter. The only thing it's good for is yelling at brands.

I knew my mother was not a heavy email user but I was doing some work on the mail server today and discovered that her account has neither sent nor received a single message since January, 2017. I'm impressed at how well she's stayed off the spam lists.

Someone brought their lute into the shop today. I told her she should keep the case open so people can drop money in.

I would have had a cat video up last night but PeerTube doesn't like something about video straight from my phone (the site starts throwing 502s and eventually the initial transcoding job fails). Nothing Handbrake can't fix so all that means is you're getting a cat video today instead.

Hope to get a new video out Monday-ish. There's not much that I need to do to finish that.

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