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dear fellow leftists 

@anarchiv "I'm open to advice on that."

@taweret and it looks like I'm still in 1st place. That's a bit disappointing.

website: please consider disabling your adblocker

me: what's that? you want me to click off of you and never come back? will do!

Hmm... with the exception of the case it kind of looks like I could source components and end up with something I wouldn't hate using.

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Updated the shop's web site to include the new decaf coffees. Buy some coffee.

:promoted: :coffeepot:

The cat suggested that I turn the heat on at home. I decided that was probably a good idea. When I left for work she had found a heating vent in the kitchen to sit on.

There is a kangaroo in my front yard. In the suburb I live in this is an unprecedented and mysterious thing. There are no local populations.

We're waiting on trained professionals to come help. Right now it seems pretty calm in a bit of long grass down the side of my house so I'm just trying not to spook it while also trying to keep track of where it is.

This is the example data I was working with (which you might recognize from an earlier video). You can't really tell from this, but everything scales nicely, can be animated, styled differently and there's a bunch of stuff under the hood for working with the data programmatically and organizational stuff that's useful for interactive sessions. Among other things, last night I added sensible default property support to some of the C++ classes to make the QML side of things more concise.

Lately I've been doing more work on the coffee roasting plan/data visualization software. I use that for videos and presentations, but would also like to eventually make it usable for non-programmers as something useful in a product development process and have it replace the graphing code in Typica.

It looks like none of the changes in PostgreSQL 12 should break anything in Typica but some of the changes might make some parts go faster. Have not tested, but should be safe to upgrade (as usual).

Fixed another bug. It worked most of the time. Now it works all of the time.

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Fixed a couple bugs in some code I wrote that nobody else is using (yet). One didn't seem to affect anything but generated warning messages. Solution was to delete a line of code that wasn't needed. The other put things on the screen ever so slightly in the wrong position.

death, organ donation 

Just got a text from my mother letting me know that the doctors were able to successfully salvage some part of my father's body and put it to good use. His corneas were used to restore sight to two people.

If you ran a payroll processing service in the US, why would you go down for "routine maintenance" in the middle of business hours on a Thursday (when your customers are most likely to be trying to use your service) instead of, say, middle of the night on a Tuesday?

Ordered a replacement front bearing for my production roaster. It has stopped accepting grease. That seems to happen every few years but it's an easy fix. For some reason the rear bearing lasts a lot longer.

@taweret The timeline is Rowling reboots the book series to make them based on the movies. After that we can have movies based on the books based on the movies based on the books.

I have an old neglected managed server/domain. Thinking about moving the domain out and redirecting to a cheaper unmanaged server, maybe setting up on it. Not today, of course, but sometime within the next year before the plan renews. Enough stuff points at it that I don't want to just let that vanish, but it's not well used either.

If you go to you'll see the banner at the top letting visitors know that $100 was contributed toward ongoing development of the software in April. That means $0 for May, June, July, August, September, and month to date October. Lack of money does make it hard for me to budget time toward working on the next release and nobody has contributed code in the 12ish years that this has been publicly available either.

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