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Email supposedly from some hotel I've never heard of with a completely unrelated .top domain with a "DocuSign" link going to some .br? Yeah, I'm sure that's legit. Not. <2 hours later another company I've never heard of with an email from another weird .top pointing to the same .br running a different scam, but this time with an address at the bottom that claims to be a US address except it has a postal code for London (UK) and no city/state. Yeah, *plonk*

The cat yelled at me a lot after work today. I think it's because there were roof repairs happening while I was out.

@yomimono Bought my tickets, got the roomette. What are your top tips for the trip?

In case anybody is wondering, the trip from Sturtevant to Portland takes a bit over 46 hours on the way there and about 47.5 hours on the way back (longer layover in Milwaukee).

It looks like other people are starting to preferentially link to my stuff on PeerTube instead of my stuff on YouTube. This is good.

Purchased train tickets to get to/from the event in April. Am not doing the full Chicago-Portland Empire Builder route because nobody wants to drop me off in Chicago when I could take the train from Sturtevant-Milwaukee and transfer on there instead. Same route back. Have a roomette for the Milwaukee-Portland leg.

Scene from tonight's dream: I was sitting in a newly delivered industrial mecha when I got an email notification that I needed to fill out some customs paperwork for the mecha despite that already having been delivered. Looking at the form, most of the items had already been filled out and crossed out and none were things that would exist on an actual customs declaration.

Had a dream in which, thinking it was something else, I picked up what turned out to be a mostly black brochure that kept unfolding itself at an unnaturally regular pace and with a sound effect every time a new panel revealed itself. As I wondered how big that was going to get, I looked over and my catgirl's hair was on fire, but I was seeing that from an angle that's impossible with my furniture layout and I didn't like where this was going so I ended the dream.

In this house we celebrate Toyotathon, but if someone wishes me a Happy Honda Days, I'm not gonna be a jerk about it

I think I'll start telling my kids "I have spoken" instead of repeating myself

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That's getting some dark roast flavor but not to the point that I'm losing body and the sweet apricot note really pops here. Flavors continue to hold up as the coffee cools.

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Each cup was delicious so the new coffee from Sumatra makes the cut for things to recommend to home roasters (you can end the roast about anywhere and won't have messed up too badly), but I want something around here to sell.

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Figuring out how I want to roast new coffee from yesterday's delivery.

Someone commented that my cat was adorable but then they deleted their comment.

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