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me: *logs into service*
service: we've sent a message with a verification code to the email address listed below. It may take a few minutes for the code to arrive
me: why don't you want my money?

Got a lot of marketing services spam yesterday. I assume it's all bot driven and not any real humans because of the blatant lies.

spammer: your recent email newsletters are beautiful
my shop: *has no email newsletter, sends most email in plain text*

Was asked if I wanted to teach a class I suggested they do once we're back to in person classes, but that's one of those where I can stand up in front of a class and muddle through it, but they can get other people who will do a better job with that so I passed along a different name for consideration.

SCA is holding off a week before we decide what I'll teach next. We'll see what other classes get pitched. If it's a repeat of the previous one I'll have to source a coffee for it, figure out the roasting plans, and do a bunch of roasting/packing/shipping to get that to students, but the rest of the class materials just need minor updates. If it's the other one I pitched I don't have to ship stuff but I would have to develop a whole new class.

Skipped Albedo's banner to save for Ganyu. That worked out well for me.


Needed to turn off NPR's special coverage of you probably know what. Thankfully I had the foresight to set up the car's sound system so that Miku was one steering wheel button press away.

A curious young lioness accidentally took pictures of herself toying with a wildlife photographer's camera attached to a remote-controlled vehicle.

The photos were taken from Masai Mara National Reserve in #Kenya.


@monorail I used to be able to recognize pokemon but now there are just too many of them so I only know missingno.

Traffic is bad today, mostly because maintenance vehicles are choosing the absolute most obnoxious places to stop that they can possibly find and they're doing that in every part of town all at the same time.

My sister just asked me to use my phone to take a picture of a printout and attach it to an email. The printout was an attachment from an email that arrived on the same computer as the outgoing mail was getting sent from so instead of doing that I suggested that we could instead drag the attachment from the email that came from and drop it in the email she was trying to send so we could just send the original file instead of round tripping through my phone.

The cat was shoving her face into the old clogs I only use for going into the basement.

overheard: "don't say 'data leak', say 'unanticipated off-site backup'" :blobcatbusiness:

Can any players confirm that weapon prototype drop rates have been fixed or was I just crazy lucky to get one from both Tartaglia and Dvalin this week?

Multiple Typica related emails to reply to today. Work on that program has been slowed considerably because there are both no outside code contributions and donations in support of ongoing development only came to about $170 for all of 2020 so I spent my time on work that lets me not die of exposure or starvation. (And though there are many ways I'd like to improve it, my immediate needs for the program are all met.)

It looks like lots of puzzles have recently been returned to the community puzzle exchange. That was getting pretty picked over, especially for the popular 300-500 piece sizes. The selection is still proportionally overweighted on the less popular 1000-2000 piece sizes, but there are enough puzzles in total that people should be able to find something they're comfortable with doing.

Me: *intends to go into work a little earlier than usual*
Cat: *jumps up on me and curls up for a nap*
Cat: *purring intensifies*

Playing a scenario in Project Highrise (basically SimTower). I've completed all the objectives, provide all the amenities, and ended up with more money than I can possibly spend so I've lowered everybody's rent to 0 while waiting for buzz to build and yet still have a bunch of empty apartments.

Washed some dishes, heated up some leftovers, now it's time to hang out with the cat.

drawing human ears is hard. maybe just sticking cat ears on everyone is the right call

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