Removed Sulawesi Toraja from the the shop's web site. I still have a little of that available to sell locally, but I can't roast any more until I have more green coffee available. Online orders from now won't go anywhere until after the 4th, but I'll roast for any orders that come in on the 5th and try to get all of that shipped promptly.
oh, my latest piece of kitn research is done! we have all decided that snugls are the best, followed by skritchies, followed by pets, followed by pats.
i think these results make sense. thank mew for voting and helping me!
Having now looked into it, pretty sure the problem is two conditionals that are the wrong way around such that the whole thing always evaluates as true even if it shouldn't.
Fixed, observed behavior is correct, but there's still a conditional that's not quite right causing a thing that should only have happened once to instead happen 5 times, but with 4 of them correctly being effective no-ops. I'll have to look into that a little later.
Credit union tried to put my money in the wrong account. I caught the error right away and they fixed it, but now I know the name of someone with an account number that's the same as mine except two of the first three digits are transposed, so that's a bit of a privacy fail despite an apparent effort at not disclosing that sort of thing (the first half of the account number is redacted on the receipt, but it's a short enough number as to not leave many possibilities).
Wasn't expecting to get much coding done today, but I did manage to finish up two nice little quality of life features. One was already half done and I just needed to finish it up and test it (and fix 1 typo). The other required researching a couple points and the code feels kind of awful, but it seems to work and the awfulness is at least small. If I sort out a better way to do it I won't have much to change.
@cpsdqs Mastodon instance branded ones sold to help cover server costs?
@cpsdqs Giant bluetooth slamming button until phone hardware catches up
Author of Typica software for coffee roasters.