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Today seems to be a good day for online orders. So far everybody is ordering stuff that I roasted earlier today so I'm just packing that up and shipping it out.

@Taweret I can't help but feel American democracy would be more secure if we elected dogs and cats more often (and for higher offices).

Today is definitely a take out day. I have food to cook at home, but it's a 15 hour work day for me and I don't trust myself to not accidentally burn the house down.

One of those buy an award scams is trying to convince me to buy an award for this almost single user Mastodon instance in the category of outstanding food and beverage.

Cookies are next on the list: peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and cowboy cookies..

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Today I made orange poppyseed scones, raspberry muffins, double chocolate muffins, chocolate chip bars, and there are banana nut bars in progress, but those need to cool before I can add the cream cheese frosting so those won't be ready in time for opening. There are also a few mocha chocolate chip muffins that are still good from yesterday and one generous slice of cheesecake that didn't sell yesterday but that someone should buy so I don't have to eat it.

It's been too long since I made a cheesecake. The edge pretty much self-destructed so it's ugly, but still delicious. Made the pieces a little larger and the price a little smaller to encourage it to leave.

Today I noticed that my mother's recipe for cranberry orange scones never bothers to include in the directions adding the cranberries. I was sleep baking so only realized this about 2 minutes after putting them in the oven, which is late enough that there's really no saving them and I just needed to start over on those.

The cat wants to stretch out in my lap and get belly rubs, so I guess that's my plan for tonight.

Heard a news teaser on the radio, "It's hot out and heat is to blame." No, not a Walmart.

I don't know how grocery stores usually decide what to sell, but I think the one I was at today pays attention to what I buy repeatedly and then discontinues those things. Bought the last half case of a thing on closeout for cheap, but I might have to switch stores.

Rendering the next video. I jammed out some new background music to hide issues with the voiceover recording that I couldn't fix, so that's maybe something to look forward to?

Today's coffee is a medium roast (by which I mean roasted just into the start of 2nd crack) natural pacamara from El Salvador which has a bit of flavor reminiscent of eating the ripe fruit from a coffee plant. Interestingly, I also run this coffee out to a very dark roast but take the end of the roast fast enough to preserve some of that flavor.

Replacement switches arrived today so I'll be staying a little late at work to install those. I got two because in addition to the switch that exploded there's another one that is about to explode but just got swapped for a good switch on a function that never gets used, so I'll replace both of those.

@gnomon Management of the pizza place made sure to introduce me to the new guy like I'm some kind of important person. Some might take this as a sign that they eat too much pizza, but I am not of that inclination.

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