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I think I'll run production test batches on both a light and a dark roast, see how those do as drip brews, maybe sell this one two ways.

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Then there are other coffees where different roasts taste different, but you can pretty much just do whatever and you'll get something nice out of it. You might like what you get more or less depending on how you roast it, but it'll still be better than what you would have gotten at the grocery store. Those are really my favorite coffees to work with because they highlight the role of the roaster as someone making intentional decisions guiding the flavor that is expressed in the cup.

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The first sip confirms the expectation that this is something that I can recommend for my home roasting customers. There are some coffees where there's a very narrow range where the coffee is excellent or maybe a couple disjoint ranges of excellence that are very different from each other but both credibly good. It's hard for me to recommend those to home roasters because it's likely they won't get good results, aren't buying enough to get good at roasting it, don't have the tools they need..

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Tasting my first series of roasts from the new Ethiopian coffee that arrived yesterday. For this one I've skewed my sampling toward the lighter side as that's what I expect I'll want, but I have 12 cups each at a different roast level across a broad range. Aroma is quite nice throughout the range, though the lightest 5 are closest to what I expect I'll want out of this particular coffee.

Game: When creating your character you can give them cat ears.
Me: :cirnoHi:
Game: All the head armor conceals the cat ears.
Me: :cirnoCry:

Accidentally dropped a glass on my toe. The toe was protected by a sock and a shoe and there won't be any lasting damage, but it's still painful.

New bags of coffee arrived with the claim of "Extra Hand Picked". It seems to me that coffee is either hand picked (which is basically all of it except in Brazil) or it isn't. I'm assuming they're just using a weird term for some extra manual sorting, but that's not what the words they've chosen to use mean.

Game: You should really team up with another 4 players and take on this dungeon in co-op.
Me: Nah, I'm just going to solo that.


I voted. Am wearing my I voted sticker.

Started on a new game a few days ago. On the one hand the controls are terrible. On the other hand, I just got a cute dog-like pet to follow me around.

Spotted Carmen Sandiego at the grocery store. I suspect she's in town to steal the Golden Rondelle theater.

hellsite, space 

@emma Clearly the right thing to do is migrate Twitter's infrastructure so that it can be hosted on Starlink satellites which can then be crashed into strategic targets.

@Taweret Over here on an effectively single user instance I remain blissfully unaware of the new September.

@gnomon I have source code at least (for which derivatives would be legally dubious to distribute), but yeah, they did a lot of utterly pointless work on the software side where they would have had a better product by not trying to have a moat. It's a common problem with hardware companies when they fail to realize that nobody wants them to be a software company.

I'm thinking the shop might need to have an email list. I've avoided doing that because I hate most of those.

It looks like in the near future I'll be sorting out roasting plans for 6 new coffees, one or two of which I might do a couple different roast levels on, then I'll be working on 2 or 3 new or updated blend recipes. There are a few things coming where I still need to use up what I already have so I don't need to worry about doing the full product development work on those right away. I think I need one more coffee order before the end of the year still.

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My new Ethiopian coffee is scheduled for delivery today and I've just placed an order for another few thousand pounds of assorted things including some coffees I haven't had in a while so I'll be pretty busy once that shipment arrives.

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