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When you're not sure what the hand tool is called or what it's supposed to be used for but for some reason it's in the tool box and it's the right shape for the problem at hand so you go for it and it works.

Phone is blowing up with likes on an old comment. Thankfully nobody is calling me out on the large, obvious error it contains which I'm not bothering to fix.

Sadly, the new computer doesn't have a full size SD slot and I can't find a USB card reader so I'm copying files to a USB stick so I can move them to a computer where I can copy the files to the SD card so I can get the file to the printer. If I did this more I'd come up with a better solution.

3D printer is doing a test print for the base of some new organizing trays. I need something that's a bit larger than I can print so I want to make sure that the connecting bits to hook two prints together will work nicely. It looks like it should work on the screen, but I'll feel better confirming that with the physical artifact.

@cpsdqs It's a season that for 2023 starts January 6 and ends on December 31.

There was a giant racoon in the driveway when I got home. It decided to slip under the neighbor's fence once it realized that I intended to park my car.

Got a text message from my out of state sister. Looking through the phone history it looks like I get one per year on or near my birthday.

Government agencies can afford their own instances. Companies can afford their own instances. Don't let credibility-moochers use your community as human shields.

Commented on a forum with a particularly bad censorship mechanism. I used the word re-assessing and it got redacted to re-ass**sing.

Playing that Kingdom Hearts rhythm game. It's pretty strange, but I guess that's par for the course with this series.

It took some convincing, but I was able to get the cat not to be on my lap while I tried to eat dinner.

Everybody else can just give up now. This is peak video game fashion.

Tasting production test batches for a medium and dark roast of the new coffee from Bolivia. This is one with pretty low perceived acidity, smooth, easy drinking. I might make this the base of this year's Holiday Blend, but I have a couple more new things to sort out before I move on to figuring that out.

The new dark roast Ethiopian coffee is on brew today. Customers reception has been highly positive so far.

The cat is shoving her face into a mug. I've already consumed the beverage it contained, but she's double checking that there isn't something good for her.

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