Tomorrow is going to be a long day. I'll be doing the baking for the shop (first 2 people in line for that job are both taking some vacation time and I honestly like doing that job every now and then) so an early morning, then I have an evening appointment for someone to replace the Internet wire running to the house which I apparently need to be present for.
The phone menu doesn't seem to have an option for "I can see the broken cable and someone needs to come out and replace that." So no wired Internet until the evening after tomorrow.
I've received 2 emails letting me know that Internet service at my house is down. (Phone still has Internet and tethering works, but will get really slow if I need to use that too much.)
UPDATE: While typing the above, I got a text message letting me know they think I have Internet at home again. I'm at work and haven't set up anything that would let me check that.
Once upon a time, a syrup company had one called Vanilla, but they didn't have one called French Vanilla (because there's absolutely nothing French about vanilla), but coffee shops were having a problem because gas stations were doing something named a "French Vanilla Cappuccino" and people were apparently going into places that offered a real cappuccino and refusing to order the vanilla one because they wanted French vanilla. So they made a new French Vanilla SKU but put the same thing in it.
@Taweret I have a hard time believing that humans wouldn't have already gone extinct in that scenario.
Today's notable spam is a message that's half in Japanese from a domain not credibly associated crypto-currency claiming I can get an amount of bitcoin which at current exchange rates would be valued at a few hundred million dollars. Link in the message is to a completely unrelated domain from the sender with a .xyz TLD. Not clicking the link, but if anybody wants to send me a few hundred million dollars without laundering it through a scam first, you can do that here:
Registration for my favorite trade event of the year just opened. That means I need to sort out if I can arrange things so I can go to that. I've already done a bit of searching when it comes to the travel arrangements (the suggested options are terrible from a cost and travel time perspective, but I've found some better options). I haven't been asked to teach anything this year, so I'd just be a normal attendee for a change.
When you're on the Enterprise you know you're going back in time because the ship's clock starts running backwards. You know how fast you're going back in time by how fast the clock is moving backwards. This was called out multiple times, so presumably someone thought this made any kind of sense.
It does not.
Author of Typica software for coffee roasters.