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The new SSD for my laptop that I ordered weeks ago has finally shipped and is expected to arrive tomorrow. I tried to buy it locally first, but that didn't work out. This is one of those things that I knew I was going to want eventually when I bought this computer, but figured that by not getting it at the time of purchase, by the time I really needed it the available drives would be bigger, faster, and cheaper, and that does seem to have all turned out to be true.

The cat is busy trying to fall off the couch. She's also cutting off circulation to my foot so I think I'll move her some place safer.

I was looking at January production vs. last year January and Sulawesi had my largest percent gain among coffees we had comparable offerings in both time periods.

Looks like I'm also roasting the last of my Sulawesi coffee today. I'll try to buy more of that, but it'll be temporarily unavailable on the web site.

Had to send an email with a request to forward it to IT because their company's web form sends an email to them not from their own account, but spoofs the address of the person filling out the form which their mail server then rightly rejects for failing SPF policy, then mails the error back to the person they were impersonating.

I'm roasting the last batch of my limited edition coffee from Bali today. Anybody who wanted to try that should get in their orders now as I'll be taking it off the web site no later than tomorrow.

Went out to get coffee and buy groceries (I was down to pretty much just bagels and chocolate) and came home to find a scrap truck blocking my driveway. Called the company, which didn't seem very useful, but also found the driver for another vehicle who was quite foul mouthed but otherwise pleasant and helpful and got the guy who shouldn't have parked there to move his truck promptly.

@Taweret Impossible. After all, transporter is the safest way to travel.

Is there a contemporary equivalent of Disney's Gargoyles in the sense of it being where a bunch of the actors from Star Trek get to work together on something non-Trek?

Last night's dream had baseball, but the infield was about 1/4 scale and the outfield was about 3x scale. I was confused about why someone would build it like that.

The cat has informed me that it's time to hug the cat. I've been home a little less than usual the past few days due to work.

Roasted a small batch of the limited edition coffee from Bali to top up the shelf. I've got 1, maybe 2 more batches of that left to roast and then it's gone.

@stux How about a made up word that evokes the right feeling? I might go with something like "Grenkmore" which doesn't seem to have any search results (feel free to use if you like it).

I don't know what list I'm on that causes this, but I keep getting emails from Chinese companies, each asking if I'm interested in some overly specific piece of manufacturing equipment (different emails asking about my interest in different machines) and I just can't imagine that the conversion on those campaigns is very good.

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