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Lots of fragile stickers and the like for stuff that's in enough layers of good boxes that the stuff would probably survive getting driven off a dock.

Freight truck #2 for the day had a delivery encased in an insane amount of plastic for stuff made mostly out of steel.

Grind was covered in an article I wrote about centerlining your cupping protocol. Time is something that I've mainly covered in forum posts and in person classes. I don't think I've ever specifically covered spoon technique and that's an area where a video demonstration might be particularly valuable.

Most people prefer instead to go for enhanced skimming techniques that destroy cup to cup extraction consistency. That's not something that should be encouraged.

60 Second Coffee Tips was not a series that did particularly well, but I think I want to make another 3 episodes of that soon about how to deal with coffee grounds that remain on top of cupping bowls after skimming, each covering a different thing you can change if this is a problem: grind, time, and technique.

I'm not sure how this happened but I somehow managed to get pulseaudio to consume about 5.5GB of RAM while nothing was playing any sound.

The traditional Christmas animals: reindeer, hedgehog, sloth.

Freight company apparently just wanted to wait for some fresh snow before delivering the coffee. The alley was slippery enough that getting the coffee into the shop became a 2 person job because my feet would just slide on the ice when I tried to push the hand cart up the ramp. I think that's probably my last coffee delivery for the year.

I need to stop letting my mother buy shipping tape for the shop. She never picks the good stuff, preferring instead for things that don't cut easily from the tape dispenser yet also manage to fail to stick to the boxes. In bulk.

Ran the tracking number on my undelivered coffee and the web page says they're planning to deliver between 8:00AM and 15:00AM (!?) tomorrow. I'll believe it when I see it.

The coffee that didn't get delivered in its window yesterday also didn't get delivered today. I should ask my supplier to look into what happened with that.

I like to pretend that I’m a Mastodon admin but in reality it’s just a single user instance and I have no idea what I’m doing.

Okay, it's actually several really basic instruments and because of the way this works I get events spread out over several channels which leads to odd results. If I set one instrument to all the channels that should work better, but still not as well as something that's designed for MPE.

New thing arrived today. It sort of works with my laptop but I only have 1 kind of crummy synth installed for testing that doesn't really allow for everything this is capable of. It'll work better hooked up to stuff I've got at home.

My sister bought wrapping paper with sloths on it.

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