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Indiegogo just confirmed that they did, indeed, send me that email but that I did not win an award and I should just ignore it.

I should probably migrate all my stuff off tumblr at some point. Most of it I don't care about but there are a few articles that are actually useful that I still sometimes point people toward or use for my own reference.

Cat allergies have been bothering me more lately and I finally figured out why. My air purifier doesn't start back up after a power outage and I failed to realize it wasn't running.

If anybody legit wants to help support my free software work, you can do that at (there's a form right on the front page, JavaScript needed for the credit card processing).

In the month of November I got precisely $0.00, down from $50 in October. Right now all the money goes toward keeping the project web site online, but there are certainly uses for more.

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This just arrived in my inbox and, umm... I didn't have an Indiegogo crowd funding campaign? There aren't any super-obvious signs of a scam going on, so I think maybe this just got pushed to the wrong mailing list? If someone used my email address to set up an Indiegogo campaign I'd think I'd've gotten an email about that and rather than an award I guess I'd rather have the money. I'm sure I can find a project to push that to.

It's cold at work. I want to go home and hug the cat.

Last night's cat pics. I tried to get one of her hugging a table leg but she noticed that I was about to take a picture and composed herself for that.

cat injury 

This morning the cat decided that she needed me to wake up so I could hear the garbage trucks. She got a claw in my nose, which earned her an ejection from the bed. I don't think she meant to inflict pain, but I don't want to encourage that behavior.

Why did teleportation become such a popular choice for moving in VR games? It's almost never the right decision.

Spent some time working on a new order entry interface for Typica. I want to make this both much simpler than currently exists and also add more features. This might seem like a contradiction, but if I'm willing to redesign this aspect from scratch it isn't.

Bakery across the street gave my shop a free box of donuts as thanks for our help with their coffee emergency earlier in the day. Hopefully people noticed that the coffee was a huge upgrade from their usual fare and they set up a wholesale account to buy my coffee regularly, but I'm not going to hold my breath on that one.

I got a phone call from my mother this morning. It was a wrong number.

don't even tell people to join mastodon. just tell them to join the instance you're on/an instance you like without any further explanation. they'll figure it out.

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