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Had two good phone conversations today in response to my letter resigning from regular committee work and a few email exchanges. Also had a good event. I don't remember the exact total but in the 4 hours the shop was open we raised about $900 for the local food bank. We usually get a little more over the next few days so I won't have the final total until later.

Roman History. Stabbing. 

I had never heard this translation before but it is now my favorite thing.

@neal Oh, I'm highly confident of that. I expect to be all :flan_rage: :flan_stick: :flan_hulk: inside a week...

In the latest video I talk about my experience with System76 technical support, my exit from work related to the Coffee Skills Program, the book I'm writing, and a preview of stuff that I needed to push to the next episode.

12:01AM, time to play everybody's favorite ghetto game, guess the sound: fireworks or gunfire!

Render went faster than estimated, but audio levels were bad. Let's fix that and try again.

Waiting for my next video to finish rendering. It's estimating an hour and thirty-eight minutes using 6 cores, which seems excessive. Now I'm going to eat chocolate and wait for midnight while replaying Virtue's Last Reward and petting the cat.

The strange thing here is that now that I'm checking to see what the notification was, there isn't one, so what was even the point of that? Is the phone so desperate for me to pay attention to it that it's inventing phantom notifications in hopes that I'll play a game or something?

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And I'm back. Forgot to silence my phone and I decided not to do a retake over that so there might be one notification sound from that in the background of the next video. Boops while I edit are okay so it's fine to keep boosting my cat.

@Taweret @neal I wonder if any of the (mostly white) dudes who took power after revolutions ever accidentally quipped about the good old days when the last regime was in power. Like, did Jefferson ever wax nostalgic for the good old days which would have been under King George or Castro for when Batista was in power?

Going to do some recording. Logging off so cat pic boosts won't boop at me during that.

Picard out-lawyering the xenophobic space lawyers to get an extension on a colony evacuation is some next gen as hell star trek

Still no official response to the letter I sent a while back so it looks like tomorrow I'll be taking my ball and finding a park that doesn't want an obscene entry fee.

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