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After a conversation, I had an idea for a bot named Alanna (I feel like this has to have been done).

She posts small, generic things about Windows or video games (tagged of course), summoning a certain subset to 'splain to her.

THEN, she responds with things like "tell me more" or "That's fascinating," or "I'm a little confused", in the hopes that the person will keep it up. Alanna keeps a tally of accounts explaining to her and how long, and at the end of the year, the score is posted.

Today was the first meeting of the committee I left since that resignation. I wasn't there but it seems that they spent a lot of time talking about my letter and that my position is strongly supported at the committee level. Hopefully incoming leadership will not be stubborn about the current path. If the current situation isn't corrected soon I doubt I'll be the last person to leave.

Sometimes the cat turns on the air purifier's oscilate feature. I've never seen her do that.

Day 5. A supplier's web site is still "down for maintenance". Nobody has considered that it might be a good idea to put a phone number on the page to continue taking orders that way.

Put down fresh glue traps at home. I hope the cat is smart enough to stay out of them.

Yesterday someone saw the sign about the $830ish we raised during our New Year's Day fundraiser for the food bank and decided to push that over $1000 by writing a $170 check. There was another check not counted in that total for $100 and the shop also rounded the cash total up to $1000. It's a good way to start the year.

Today's mail contained my 2018 tax organizer. I used to do my own taxes but since taking ownership in the shop my taxes have gotten complicated enough that it makes sense to just pay my accountant to deal with that.

Another day, another day of not being able to order from one of my suppliers because their web site is down. I'm going to guess that whoever blew that up isn't working the weekend.

An unexpected side effect of raising a stink about the direction SCA is taking on education is that I've been getting more phone calls from some of my favorite coffee people. I won't be at the committee meeting on Monday since one tends not to show up for such things after resigning, but I'll be having a conversation with the chief education officer and the education director on Tuesday. Back channel info I've gotten suggests they plan to move farther in the wrong direction so I'm not optimistic


It's not collaborative content creation if only one person is rolling up their sleeves and doing the work.

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