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Today's conference call was tiny but a good conversation.

PNG is the closest thing that I have to an espresso secret weapon. A nice medium roast on a clean conventional PNG at 10-20% of an espresso blend often provides a great boost in both intensity and complexity.

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Got my next espresso blend figured out in 1 attempt. It uses coffees from Brazil, India, and Papua New Guinea. I'm going for something with lots of intensity of flavor (you should still be able to taste the coffee in the milk drinks), complexity (unadulturated it should stay interesting as you drink it), smooth viscosity. Do not want astringency or sourness, but balanced sweetness. is now running PeerTube 1.3.0! (It's also using about 61% of its disk space so I'll have to decide what I want to do about that. Upgrading to the next sized VM up is probably what I want to do since the extra core bundled with the added storage space should speed up transcoding jobs)

Lots of cops on my corner when I got home today. I'm keeping my distance.

A year ago I tried learning ActivityPub, and more or less failed. I was confounded by a spec that was so abstract I couldn't make heads or tails of it. Turns out I was missing some key things.

I have written a guide to learning about ActivityPub that I wish existed a year ago when I first set out to learn how to write social media servers that conform to the spec:

The cat noticed that I was making soup instead of petting the cat and now she's questioning my priorities.


if gab actually federates, we will be blocking it at that time. there's a few reasons for this position:

- gab itself has a tendency to disseminate content that violates our TOS

- we don't know what domain gab will be using for this service

- we don't know if this service actually exists (forking Mastodon to rewrite 90% of it? haha okay dudes)

- I see no reason to waste a lot of time on something not proven to be an actual thing yet and I am personally skeptical it will ever be a thing given gab's track record

this is the last thing I have to say on the matter, I will be keyword muting gab now

No more need for cancer warnings on coffee in California, which I think makes coffee about the only thing that doesn't give you cancer according to that state.

Today's weird how did I get on your list spam wants to sell me a used generator capable of powering approximately 750 homes.

Berkeley burrito-delivery bot purported to be using 'advanced neural network' is actually remotely piloted by Colombians, who are paid $2 per hour.

Welcome to capitalism, where tech startups fake 'genius' AI using hidden POC sweatshop labor in a 'black box' to rake in profits.

"AI, games, Amazon, it's all made with magic! In our magic black box!"
"What's in it?"
"Nevermind, just eat your kale salad and let's do yoga!"
*Open box, find a sweatshop*

Progress on a couple fronts:

1. I'm getting an IKAWA roaster. This is going to be helpful for developing some of the features I want to work on for Typica 1.10.

2. The class I'm teaching in August was booked to conflict for time on the roasters with another class so I got to have a conversation about what the options there are. Fortunately I designed my class to be highly adaptable and could offer 2 solutions to the problem and we picked one.

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Typica Social

The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!