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This caused a bit of confusion when I got the delivery notification and saw that a 1 pound box I wasn't expecting had been delivered since I never buy that little of anything from them.

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One of my tea suppliers sent a thank you for your business gift. It's a 100g custom pressed puer cake from 2016.

All Clear mode in Tetris Effect has a puzzle where the solution is to take the first line block, drop it in a 5 high gap, rotate it into a 5 wide horizontal gap, then spin it the other way to get it into the four high gap in the bottom, then spin the next block into the horizontal gap, which then leaves a four high for the last piece and yeah, I can do it but those should NOT be valid moves.

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I still think T-Spin should be removed from the Tetris rule set. Clearly a bug, not a feature.

Remember the Garak and Bashir wedding ep? :blobheartcat:
So good :ablobpride1: :ablobpride2:

It is SO what happened! Shut up!

The cat did not greet me at the door today. Found her hiding behind a chair instead.

Was able to get a few more pages written. I need to go back to that and add in more math later.

Today's scam email tried to convince me that my mail client settings are wrong and that I needed to take action based on their phishing scam *delivered by email* to restore my ability to receive email. Scammers didn't really think that one through, did they?

There was a bat flying around my house last night. It was safely caught and released outside.

In this episode Ensign Ro is eaten by a tar monster but it turns out it's a faaaaaake

Their dog is on fire. While the dog seems to think this is fine, it doesn't seem like the best use of oxygen while travelling in a spaceship.

Catching pokemon is is all fun and games until the mon gets big and not so poke.

There was a black cat hanging out at the end of my driveway when I got home. I still don't have a street connected to that so it's nice that someone is using that.

Why is this laptop using 4MB of swap when it's still got 1.3GB (out of 32GB total) free? (most of the use is just cache)

How much of being good with machines/computers is just not being afraid to push the buttons?

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This reminds me of a time when I was in high school and an art teacher asked me to take a look at a computer cart she couldn't get working. I looked at it for a little while, pressed the power button on the monitor, and that fixed everything.

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