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Other things on the list of things to do today: ongoing training for new staff, finishing up the staff facing side of the web store (should just be sending the customers an email with their receipt and tracking number), and maybe if I have time for it getting more product pages put together and making those not look awful.

Fixed the bugs in the shipping label generation for boxes that aren't a regional/flat rate box and had a very good committee meeting talking about coffee roast profile deconstruction research. Also confirmed availability to crash at a friend's place on the drive to my next event so I don't need to do the whole 13 hours in one stretch.

*sigh* another email from some confused person who thinks they've purchased enema coffee from me in the past. While I'm certainly not one to kink shame (or at least I try not to), I put a lot of work into trying to make the coffee taste good and it would be a waste to bypass the mouth like that.

There's nothing inherently challenging about the current project but it is kind of tedious. It's getting difficult to resist the urge to over-engineer things, but knowing that nobody else is ever going to see or touch this code helps. The priority now needs to be on just getting it done so I can flip it live and see what I screwed up. I can over-engineer version 2.0 some day if I end up without too many projects.

Shipping label generation is done. I'll need to make some adjustments to handle larger orders at some point, but for now I want to move on to sending the customer receipt/tracking number and closing out the order in the system.

Ah, figured it out. Also figured out it's not worth fixing right now.

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Wrote a test SQL query and sometimes it generates just the one row of output as expected while other times it generates 3 completely identical rows instead of just the expected 1. Why? I'm not sure yet.

The approach that I wanted to take for generating shipping labels isn't going to work. The rates generated for the customer time out after 24 hours and can no longer be used to generate a shipping label. Good thing I wrote the code slowly enough to trigger that failure mode.

Today's work on the web shop was successfully implementing taking the customer's money. This is a manual step (push a button that's only available if the customer hasn't already been charged for the order) that should be done once the order is packed in its box. Next up is generating the shipping label.

Another highly scientific poll:

It looks like another programming student has become a regular at the shop. His screen often looks lisp-y.

Three Cats in Japan Have a Closet Full of Custom-Made Hats Felted From Their Shedded Fur | Colossal

A brief moment of peace and harmony, where all three #cats out aside their differences and unite to pin me down on the bed in order to absorb my body heat.


Today's featured puzzle is Kitty Garden. First you assemble the puzzle, then you search for all 85 cats hidden in the picture.

Another highly scientific poll:

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