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Someone who hasn't watched Star Trek should do a viewing, but in order of the earliest date seen in an episode.

"our coffee is for drinking" - me, just now with someone who probably won't buy my coffee now because they wanted to take that in through a different orifice. :cirnoSip:

I may or may not be spinning up another company within the next several months.

Spent most of today's conference call explaining why a proposed project is a bad idea. I explained this in an email a few committees back, it was recognized as a bad idea on the previous committee, and the issue was also taken up by another committee that I wasn't on that also independently came to the conclusion that this was a bad idea. At least another person was also on the call with a lot of the same institutional knowledge to help me push against that.

Last night I realized that a couple features I want for Typica 2 could be designed in a way that both reduces the amount of code I need to write and has some very attractive properties that simplifies a ton of considerations over my previous thinking of how I'd need to implement things.

@Gargron As "Masto" pertains to 'breast', and "don" pertains to 'teeth', I feel you missed out on comedy gold by not labelling #mastodon platform's #statuses #titbits rather than 'toots.'


I guess it's election season now. There's a CNN reporter in the shop asking people about politics. Racine is flyover purple so kind of popular for that sort of thing.

Auto insurance rate went up. It's only by $1 per 6 months but I wonder what's up with that. Does this mean the insurance company thinks I'm getting old?

I should package up the last few episodes of Roast Profile Development as a Season 2 for the series on Amazon. It doesn't pay much (latest royalties were 8 cents) but it's paid every single month.

candy violence 

All of the halloween chocolates sold except the witches, which I would not have ordered if I knew half of them would look like a witch burning.

Put the new Kenyan coffee on the web site last night, got an order for some this morning.

The cat was very interested in the snow my shoes brought in.

Someone had a little chat with me about old keyboards because she saw my flashy new keyboard and I told her how I keep destroying laptop keyboards. She learned on a Selectric.

Finally got around to adding the latest new coffees to the shop's web site. Also figured out what this year's Holiday Blend is going to be, but that's not available for sale yet. Hopefully I'll be able to finish up the work that needs to happen with that before it goes out for sale some time tomorrow.

Guess not. Orders are roasted, packed, and I'll be dropping those off at the post office soon. If orders come in later today, the earliest they'll go out is tomorrow.

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I think today is the first day that the shop's web site has had multiple (2 so far) orders arrive on the same day. Anybody else need some coffee?

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