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Tasting the production test batch of the next Kenyan coffee. You wouldn't guess from the flavor that it's one of the lightest roasts I'm doing. Rich and tangy, and the tomato flavor I liked while cupping exploratory roasts is prominent in the aftertaste. It's not the provocatively acidic classic Kenya flavor profile, but it is delicious.

Now the cat thinks it's my turn to lick her, but that's not happening.

The cat thinks I need more cat spit on my wrist.

It looks like SCA might go along with the idea of delivering my class remotely now that Expo is cancelled. The way this would work is we eliminate the hands on roasting and instead I roast the coffee in enough ways to make the point of the class and mail that out to everybody, then we can do an online class where I do my lecture, everybody does their own tasting wherever they've sheltered in place, and we have a conversation.

Mailing orders and depositing money done. Got some Chinese takeout to fuel up before doing the rest of the work that needs doing before I can go home.

The next coffee shipment is going out in a vanilla sprinkles box.

think about a software splash screen, or something that might be printed on a KITTEN.EXE install floppy disk :afloppy:

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my dev has decided i should have a logo for my software! isn't that exciting? it makes me feel like an official kitn :blobcat3c:

so together with my dev i am putting out a call for logo designs for me! :netkitty:

i can use all the logos because i am very impawtant.

pls remember that the earliest appearance of my software was in 1989! my logo should look like it's from around then too.

if you are an artist that takes commissions and you have an idea my dev is happy to commission you and pay you a money. just reach out!

I don't understand this at all but I hope he enjoys his treat. #cats

health - 

ambient stress has gotten high enough to re-open the ulcers so I'm now bleeding out fron the inside. I have an emergency stash of steroids for exactly this reason, but once this is over I'll need to schedule a proper vacation.

This morning when I woke up, the cat started making noises and then curled up on my chest as if to say, don't get up, take a cat nap.

Figured out how I want to roast the next lot of coffee from Kenya. I still need to do a production test batch and verify that it comes out as expected in a drip brew, but the aromatics are very tomato soup with medium high intensity acidity and good overall flavor intensity. Rather light on the roast. The coffee can take a dark roast well, presenting dark chocolate flavors, but that's not the flavor profile I want for this coffee.

Kind of a shame. I was looking forward to the train ride and the event is in New Orleans next year instead of Portland (which has its own benefits) so it's not as if I can just reschedule.

It looks like part of my train trip got cancelled, but I can't change the booking online. I have to call to get the rest of it cancelled and hopefully get some money back. Any guess how long the hold time is going to be?

Tried out the Space Channel 5 VR demo (in which you play the anime girl backup dancer to the swinging reporter delivering live coverage of the return of aliens that are making people dance). That was fun, but I wish it drew my shoulders a little farther apart or lower down or something.

The cat is shoving her head into my knee while enjoying belly rubs.

One of my customers who usually sits in my shop during hours we're now closed is still here, just sitting in her car parked out front instead. I'll leave the WiFi on.

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