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Today I helped my mother buy and set up a new television. It came with a pretty nice cat mat.

Our CEO just referred to SaaS as "Software as a hostage" and I think that's pretty spot on.

Power's back, but this still seems like a decent plan.

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Got home, no power, phone at 3% charge so I guess the plan is to light some candles, open a bottle of wine, and read a book.

My sister has asked about a Linux for dummies distro since my father had so much garbage installed that his old laptop will need a full wipe anyway and Windows has been annoying her in ways Linux doesn't. What's the preferred thing these days for an old HP laptop?

Mom's cat has decided to hang out with me while I wait for files to copy.


If the GOP really thinks the extra $600/wk unemployment benefit was discouraging people from going to the jobs that still don't exist, dems should offer the compromise position of giving everybody that $600/wk. That way, nobody loses it for going back to work and they get their work wages on top of that. (though we're still dealing with a pandemic and there's a case to make that paying people to stay home is exactly what we should be doing now)

I suspect this might contribute to the total lack of outside code contributions, but it does make me more productive, especially if it's been a while since I've modified the program.

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For those wondering WTF a .w file is, the core of Typica is written in literate C++. The .w files get processed by ctangle to produce the files the compiler expects and you can optionally run the same stuff through cweave to get a .tex that pdftex can turn into a (currently) 649 page book of source code documentation (which is unfortunately not as nicely typeset as version 1.0 was).

Odds are good that I'll do a Windows pre-release build for the adventurous.

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Current channel support code has been pushed to

There's more that I want to do before a version 1.10.0 release but in the unlikely event there's someone who both needs that feature and is cool with building from the updated .w files, that's a possibility now.

My sister made another mask for me. Now I can choose between topographic dinosaurs, monochromatic dots, or whatever I borrow from the supply of work masks. I think she's going to make a couple more for me now that she knows I prefer the type that's tied on behind the head instead of looping behind the ears.

2nd attempt works correctly. It was just 3 extra characters on 1 line of code.

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First attempt at some code I wrote today didn't work, but once I figured out the mistake I'm mildly surprised that it didn't just outright crash the program.

Banks should really have a separate card activation line for business cards. They ask for the last 4 digits of your SSN, but what they really want is the last 4 digits of your FEIN.

The cat has informed me that she needed a hug. I have hugged the cat. She's much calmer now.

US Pol. Voting 

If your state gives you a "mail in ballot" you can almost certainly go drop it off and either a drop box or a county office at a time of your choosing.

Mask up and go drop it off as soon as you can. Avoid any possible shenanigans.

Please repeat or boost this message so folks who haven't done this before understand.

Also early voting is your friend!!


It would also make it a lot easier to incorporate images and data from that into videos. I could do some fun stuff live streaming roasting sessions if I can get it working well.

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