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Day 9 since the box I'm tracking got packed (it was supposed to get delivered Tuesday, then it got rescheduled to Thursday, now nobody knows): it's still lost somewhere in Germany.

Can anybody tell me if a Playstation 5 is larger or smaller than a typical old timey laserdisc player?

Saw in the puzzle exchange recently a puzzle featuring a cat on a table next to an unfinished jigsaw puzzle of a cat.

Last night's dream featured a deer head with a blue face, flowy lavender hair, and a pair of fangs. It was the obviously fake head of the highly improbable vampire deer.

One of the lawyers in town was running a promotion where people who bought estate planning would get a gift certificate to my shop and I guess people are going for that deal, so that's nice.

covid, service workers 

Reminder: yelling at service workers because you don't want to wear your mask properly does, in fact, make you a horrible person. It won't accomplish whatever you thought the point of acting shitty like that was and is likely to get you a long term reduction in the quality of service you receive from people you deem unworthy of basic human dignity. Your latte isn't that important to anybody.

The local paper put up that video of me talking about what it's like running a small business in a construction zone during a pandemic. I haven't watched it to see how they edited that, but am pleased to see that they've made their web site far less awful than it used to be.

I could see the expiration date on the wallet card through the mailer window so there was no suspense there.

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No surprise, I passed the test and am once again a certified food safety manager.

VR roller coasters after wine was not one of my better ideas.

Game mechanic idea: NPCs will treat you better or worse depending only on how you interact with animals otherwise unrelated to the game.

Has anybody calculated the ratio of transporter accidents to total observed beamings? Does the safest way to travel involve something going wrong more or less often than the holodeck safeties failing?

The cat that lives with me is a good cat. 10/10, would let it move in again.

Asked the employees at the bar what I should have for dinner and the answers were kind of depressing. One said she's having a hot pocket, the other plans to make eggs. Neither of those seems like much of a dinner.

The new Tanzanian coffee listed there is currently an online exclusive offering as I'm still working on selling the last batch of our Kenyan coffee to make space on the shelf. That's one of the nice things about web stores. They're not limited by shelf space.

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Updated the shop's web site. It's now possible to buy the new Holiday Blend there.

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