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If you emailed me asking for technical support a few days ago and don't think you've heard back from me yet, please check your spam folder.

Microsoft Word 5.1a ran well on a Mac with 1MB of RAM and a <7MHz processor. It already did then more than I'd use a similar program for today.

Needed to reboot my phone. Haven't been able to send text messages for a few days because the stupid app refused to believe it was connected to a network. (never mind that it could receive messages and everything else could see the network connection) It's pathetic that the only fix is turn the whole phone off then back on. What is this, Windows CE?

The cat continues to be confused as to why I would do something other than hug the cat. The cat has now been hugged and she's much calmer.

A friend sent me this from his recent presentation on Machine Learning (and why he dislikes it) and I think it's a great pic for many occassions :D


Today I found out that the librarian from back when I was in high school recently passed away. I didn't use the school library much (I had more convenient access to better libraries) but she was one of the academic decathlon coaches so I knew her that way. :cirnoCry:

phone UI idea: an explicit screen orientation control so people who put the device down on a level surface (for example, as a desk calculator) don't have to play games to get it to not auto-wrong that setting.

Did a journey on Tetris Effect starting at the beginning and letting my score carry over all the way through the final stage. It looks like the final stage plays out a little differently if you do that? (my zone gauge got an infinity symbol and I got a few extra zones activating automatically one after the next upon getting the required line count)

cat: why are you making dinner when you could be hugging the cat?

When I was young my father said to me:

"Knowledge is Power....Francis Bacon"

I understood it as "Knowledge is power, France is Bacon".

For more than a decade I wondered over the meaning of the second part and what was the surreal linkage between the two? If I said the quote to someone, "Knowledge is power, France is Bacon" they nodded knowingly. Or someone might say, "Knowledge is power" and I'd finish the quote "France is Bacon" and they wouldn't look at me like I'd said something very odd but thoughtfully agree. I did ask a teacher what did "Knowledge is power, France is bacon" mean and got a full 10 minute explanation of the Knowledge is power bit but nothing on "France is bacon". When I prompted further explanation by saying "France is Bacon?" in a questioning tone I just got a "yes". at 12 I didn't have the confidence to press it further. I just accepted it as something I'd never understand.

It wasn't until years later I saw it written down that the penny dropped.

The socially acceptable replacement for a handshake is now, "Wonder Twin powers, activate!"

The new (used) car is smaller but the trunk is big enough for almost anything I've put in the old one and it has some features that I've never had in a car before like a backup camera.

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