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In my experience, anything that makes it easier to see what you're doing and how that compares with what you planned on doing makes for a more enjoyable coffee roasting experience with greater batch to batch consistency and fewer mistakes. My software is already very solid in that regard (there are some features that are absent or badly implemented elsewhere that help a lot) but hopefully this is an improvement (if it's not, I can revert the design without too much trouble).

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I'll be doing similar things for other kinds of measurements. Kind of excited about this. The design sketches and draft implementations look very good and it seems like an obvious direction for this kind of software to move in, yet at the same time it doesn't look like any of the competing software that's popped up since I first released mine is exploring anything in this space.

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Lately I've been getting a good amount of time to work on a rewrite of the software I use at the coffee roaster. Today I'm redesigning the indicators that show timing information to consolidate all the different kinds of timing data into a single display panel while also allowing more options for customization.

Meanwhile my sister has been having the problems of chipmunks deciding to explore her drier vent, getting stuck at the bottom, and then not getting in the live trap so she can let them go back outside. She's installed a mesh to hopefully prevent more from getting in.

Bad cat allergies today. I spent last night fixing up her ear which she managed to rip open. That's healing nicely, but she probably won't learn to be more gentle with stuff.

My latest pyro Qiqi build can do pretty good damage with her elemental skill. Maybe I'll try maxing that out in a cryo build some time.

Looking at some old code as reference for what I'm writing today and I'm running into some instances of, "why would I have done it that way?" Will go for the obviously more efficient approach this time around. Pretty sure I was just rushing through a fairly boring chunk of code and as long as it worked I just moved on to the next thing.

Failed up upgrade PeerTube. Switched back to an old release to get things back to working and will look into that more later.

New higher drink prices went into effect today (the old menu board was drawn by someone who moved on to her next thing 5 years ago so it's time), but we're also increasing the bring your own cup discount.

Not a prepper but kind of see the appeal of just moving into a secret underground bunker.

I don't know what was going on, but the largest group of tandem bicycles I've ever seen just went past my shop. Most of them seemed to be wearing race gear.

Someone just walked into the shop without a mask. We asked if they had one, offered to give them one of ours, but instead he said, "lost another sale," and walked out. Dude, it's a city ordinance. Stop trying to break the law here.

A bunch of people came out to the shop this morning to present the business with a giant novelty check (and cash since nobody will accept giant novelty checks as a deposit). Kind of glad I missed it because nobody needs to be taking pictures of me with my eye swollen with cat allergy.

Github calls their mascot octocat, but it doesn't have 8 of anything. They should call it catsquid instead.

i love cats but if cats had politics they would have incredibly shitty politics

Continuing to do the YouTube ad revenue paying the server bills for my PeerTube thing.

I should see about updating my driving music playlist in preparation for the 15 hour drive.

Have my reservations for my next trip sorted out. I'll be teaching a coffee roasting class at a trade event in New Orleans next month. Organizers are doing better than I expected with the covid safety stuff, but I also understand anybody not wanting to go to something like that now.

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