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The usual baker made a bunch of extra stuff that keeps a couple days before she left on vacation so there wasn't a lot of baking for me to do today. That gave me a bit of extra time to catch up on things like replacing water filters.

Trying out some new headphones and while it's not saying much I think this might be the nicest pair I've ever owned. I'll be going into the shop early to do the baking since the first two people in line for the baking are both on vacation for a little while. I handle that job better if I can blast some music.

While looking in entirely the wrong part of the code for that, I also ended up removing a couple dozen lines of code that could be replaced with 4.

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The problem was an out of date constant which should have been replaced with a variable but I missed it in one spot.

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Tracked down a bug and fixed it. The debugger was of no help.

Somehow ended up with a 100GB kern.log file on my laptop. That's fixed.

Needed to adjust the thermostat on the water heater today. I'll need to keep an eye on that as I've adjusted it to about half way between where it was set and the Hot setting. Instructions say don't go hotter than Hot despite the presence of 6 higher settings ending in Very Hot. I'm looking for hot enough for the commercial dishwasher to behave properly and not so hot that it's uncomfortable for humans.

Was able to get about a third of a new feature put together. The 2nd third is pretty much the same as the first third while the final third is tricky but optional. I might resume work on that after dinner.

Finished up some changes in progress. I think I'm maybe not too far off putting out a demo showing what I've been working on, though there's still quite a lot of work to do before I'll be confident in putting out a proper release.

The shop needed more orange and lemon peel. The place I get that from had a deal for free barbecue rub which the shop has no use for, but I can use it at home.

New video scripted. Will try to get that put together some time over the next week or so.

Star Trek prequel series pitch: "2309" It's all about Klingon blood wine and the making of its finest vintage.

The problem with the bug that I'm trying to track down is that it should be impossible.

There's a problem in not my code causing a program to crash only when a debugger is attached. This is making it rather difficult to find out where a completely unrelated problem is.

Made a few more tweaks on the drawing code. For high quality data and reasonable settings it looks pretty great now on both of the machines I've been testing this on. I might do some more tweaks later.

New drawing routine looks a lot better than the old one except in cases where the data going in is especially awful. Unfortunately, I know there are people who will use this with hardware setups that generate that sort of especially awful data so I'll have to decide how much I care about that.

The cat thinks I should skip dinner and pet the cat. I don't think this is a great plan, but will try multi-tasking as a compromise.

Estimated ship date on some hardware I ordered ages ago has been moved up a week, but is still a couple weeks out so I'll believe it once it's been delivered.

(the algorithm is nothing original, it was just faster for me to rework the details on paper than it would have been to check reference material)

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